I admit, I took total advantage of the uber-long holiday weekend. Aside from a little work here and there, we spent the better part of four days enjoying the gorgeous weather, catching up on sleep, watching college football, spending time with great friends, and a family BBQ to wrap it all up. It was an awesome Labor Day weekend, without much labor 🙂 I’ve been hard at work since Monday night though, finishing up the Florida session I shot of Matt and Jordan. Matt is Troy’s twin brother {though not identical; you will see the resemblance Friday when I post about our trip} and Jordan is Matt’s wife. They graciously hosted us while we visited the sunshine state and you know that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a quick shoot in a fun new place 🙂 I am really excited about these photos because I don’t get to photograph my family much and M & J pretty much rocked it out…
An instant fave 🙂
Well helllloooooo there, models!
Ending on a twirl…