1. October Is. I was editing photos late the other night and had the TV on a station that streamed music videos. This Martina McBride song came on and Oh. Em. Gee. I was a big ball of tears. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and this song/video is a beautiful testament to those who are battling cancer and those who are their source of strength and support. Grab your Kleenex!
2. Comfort Food. The weather in Houston this week has been amazing! I actually pulled out my Uggs 🙂 I was at the grocery store on Tuesday and decided that fall food was now appropriate with the weather shift, so after consulting Pinterest {my new Google}, I decided to make some yummy comfort food. I cooked chili for dinner the first night and then this pot roast last night. The chili was pretty killer and the pot roast was perfectly comforting. I will warn you, the allspice in the pot roast recipe is a little intense so I will definitely cut that in half next time. I highly recommend that recipe though, and Troy was so happy that he didn’t have to fend for himself for dinner these past few nights 🙂
3. Bravo! Does anyone watch Most Eligible Dallas? Anyone? Ya, I got sucked into yet another Bravo ‘reality’ TV show — maybe it was the ties to my old stomping grounds {DFW}, or maybe it was the familiarity of Matt and Courtney’s “we’re just friends” relationship, but I was hooked. I anxiously watched all season and then watched the season finale on Monday 🙂 I was giddy! So pumped that Matt and Courtney finally admitted their feelings and got together — they seemed totally in love! The show ended I was as on cloud nine, seriously beaming {what a dork, right!?}. But then I made the worst mistake ever: I watched the Watch What Happens L!ve interview with Courtney and Matt, which fast-forwards a few months to the present/now. I hoped to God that they were still relishing in their new relationship {I was!}, but I quickly realized through the awkward exchanges that they were in fact not together 🙁 Hello major letdown…I totally know that he’s the one who screwed it up. Dangit Matt!
4. Market. A few friends have told me about the Urban Market Antique Show this weekend in Houston and I sooooo want to go! According to the website, The Urban Market Houston Antique Show has become THE event for dealers as well as bargain hunters who are looking to spend a weekend in the beautiful outdoors looking through tents filled with incredible antiques and treasures right here in Houston. With measurements in hand many in this crowd are on a quest as they are regulars and they know the deals you can find at this market. I am going to try my darndest to make it on Sunday, even if I have to wake up early 🙂
5. Make a Wish! Even though Saturday is the official day, I want to give a little shoutout to my mom-in-law, Diana, and wish her a happy birthday 🙂 We look forward to celebrating with you next weekend!!!
Oh hush! I know you guys think I am using the blog to shamelessly gain a few brownie points with my MIL, don’t you? Well you are WRONG, folks! Totally wrong….ehem….cough cough 😉
6. Sneak. In keeping with the birthday tone, I will end the Thread with this sneak peek of my session with soon-to-be-one-year-old Camryn 🙂 We can’t attend the bday party this weekend BUT I hope you have a wonderful day, Cam — oh and eat lots of cake!
Thanks for the shout out and I’m a sucker for brownie point seeking daughters-in-law. Love you bunches.
First of all, I totally cried when I first heard that song on the radio….and it was on the way to work! Second, I LOVE the picture of Cammy! Love the cupcake, love her, and love the great shot! Awesome Thursday Thread!