This has got to be one of my most favorite families to work with — ever. I had the privelidge of photographing Cam and her family when she turned 6mo, so when Michelle contacted me for Cam’s 1-year shoot {complete with cake smash — look for THOSE photos on Friday!}, I jumped at the chance. This time, cousin Tucker joined in on the fun — isn’t he a handsome little guy?! Can you say heartbreaker? 🙂 The images from our afternoon together are seriously some of my favorites and there is no lack of cuteness here! Go on, see for yourself…
I can’t decide if I like this one better in color…
…or black and white. So you got both 🙂
Big sister Ashtyn — gorgeous!
Oh em gee — what a cutie!
These kiddos are the best and I am so thankful that I get to document their amazing family. Thanks a million, guys!! Oh, and don’t forget to check back on Friday for a sneak peek into Cam’s cake smash. It was completely awesome — I STILL have frosting on my TOMS! 🙂
Love love LOVE the pics!! You are amazing! We really enjoyed the session and are so grateful for the pictures. Looking forward to the cake smash shots! Still trying to get the frosting out of her tutu as well! 🙂 THANK YOU, CHELSEA!