I could talk about football and the Superbowl and all of that mumbo jumbo but I’m so over it this season! Let’s talk about way better stuff, like decorating, shoes, food, and birthdays 🙂
1. Mission Complete. Aside from the whole painting thing, our living room is FINALLY done. We’ve lived in our home for almost three years and it has taken this long to get it to the place we’ve always wanted. Whew! I could show you a before and after shot, but I don’t know where those images are, so I will just tell ya about it. When we first moved in, Troy and I decided to transform a boring fireplace wall into a cool rock wall. Check. Then we painted {which is a total pain-in-the- when you have two-story ceilings}. Last fall, we did the biggest project of all — hardwood floors! Love them 🙂 Love, love, love. Even though the dogs are already doing a number on their finish… The floors completely changed the feel of the room, and after we got a new rug and throw pillows {and that awesome wingback chair}, it was clear that the color scheme had changed. We needed to spruce up the dark wood with some more color, and last week, out of pure luck, I found some gold patterned drapes from Pottery Barn, and adorable striped throw pillows to tie it all together. I love mixing texture and patterns and colors to make a cozy room, and it is safe to say that our living room is now {finally} just that. Here are some snapshots of the finishing touches.
2. They’re Here! Guess what came in the mail this week? Mmmmhhmmmm — these bad boys! I am happy to report that my canvas TOMS size is still good for the flats, even though they are a tiny bit too big. I just don’t want blisters, so I can totally deal with the little-too-bigness of them, especially since these are leather. I will let ya know when I get my non-leather ones and see how they fit. But so far, I love my TOMS flats 🙂 New fave! Oh, and I had a few people ask me where I bought mine because some were on delayed shipment, so I wanted to clarify. I bought this pair from the TOMS website and got them about a week later. Then I got a pair from Nordstrom, and those won’t ship until March 1.
3. Yum-o! Last week, I had a girls night {thanks, ladies!} and looked to Pinterest to help with dinner. When I pinned this amazing mac and cheese, I almost started drooling on the spot, so I knew it was going to be a hit. Super duper easy to make, and super delicious, I could have eaten the whole bowl…which probably serves closer to 20 people though the recipe said 8 {no lie}. There were five of us and I swear the bowl looked untouched. Anyhoo, just a few tips on this dish: 1)use a pre-roasted chicken {I got mine from HEB} to make the job much easier and less time-consuming, and 2)add salt to the mix; it was a tad bland.
4. Pinterest Project Success. Remember when I mentioned making this calendar? Well, I did it! The process was very quick — the longest part was picking out the color spectrum I wanted to use. I ended up with a yellow ombre pattern and I am so happy with how it turned out. I snagged all of my paint swatches from Home Depot, cut them into 2″x2″ squares, then assembled them on the white paper that came with the frame {frame 40% off at Michaels — it was the ONLY 12×16 frame I could find!}. That’s it! I wrote this month’s dates on the glass and now have a fab calendar for my office that will never expire! I seriously love this project and can only imagine all of the possibilities with creating or printing a cute design, menu, to-do list — anything — and sticking it behind glass to become a dry-eraseable. What do you think?
5. Happy Birthday! This week my sister, Lindsey and my friend, Louise, are celebrating birthdays. I want to give them both a big ol shout-out on the Thread and wish them the happiest day ever! XOXO
I love your calendar! I did one for the kitchen that I put our weekly menu on. I used scrapbooking paper…looks way cute! It has stopped Holly from texting “What’s for dinner” to me every afternoon from World History class AND it’s helping me stay on budget for groceries. Love it!! May have to make a calendar for the office now since yours turned out so cute. P.S…lovin’ the shoes!!
thank you, friend!! 🙂
the house looks gorgeous and the calendar is beautiful! i soooo wanna copy-cat that! xoxo