I am in love with summer time. I know it isn’t officially here yet, but according to the weather, it is. We are so ready for sunbathing, grilling, patio sitting, lake and river bumming, flip flop wearing, and BBQ. Mmmmm BBQ. I am pretty sure that Troy is the best BBQ-er I know, and he is planning to fire up the smoker this weekend to kick things off right — woohoo!. Man, he sure knows the way to my heart
1. Reminder — April is Autism Awareness Month. Each Thread in April, I am going to kick things off with a little reminder about Autism Awareness this month, and the giveaway that I am having. You can read more here and here.
2. Wanted. I have started to become obsessed with quilts — bright, patterned, colorful quilts, of any size. Every time I see one in a photo, on Pinterest, or elsewhere, I desperately wish I knew how to make one of my own I was thinking though, maybe, just maybe, there would be someone out there who might be able {and willing} to make me one! Oh pretty puhleeeeze! Or maybe you know where I could order a custom quilt? At this point in my obsession, I would pretty much pay whatever it took to get a quilt like this in my possession. Gorgeous, right?
3. Work It. We have been going to the gym really regularly know {thank God!} and I wake up each morning feeling like I was hit by a dump truck. My mom told me about this little doodad and I bought one yesterday at Academy to try it out for myself. After only a half a dozen times with it, I have to say my mom is a genius {but she already knew that}. This fitness foam roller helps with circulation, muscle tension and knots, massage, stretching, breaking down scar tissue — and that’s just the half of it. If you do a Pinterest search for foam roller, you will get a ton of links to sites that offer tips and techniques for getting the most out of it. For less than $20, I think it is a fantastic item {even though, by looking at it, I am sure it costs mere pennies to actually make!} and I am so happy to have it for my pre- and post- workout regimens!
4. Procrastinator. My blog and website facelift was put on hold for oh about a million different reasons, somehow all relating to time {or lack thereof}. But I have made it a TOP priority to start rolling out the changes starting in May, and I am pumped way up about sharing them with you {finally}. So if you notice a few changes here and there, that’s just me, crossing off my to-do list Oh, and speaking of lists, I need to update my 101 in 1001 list — lots of stuff getting done around the Davis house!
5. Thread Tunes. My iTunes playlist has been making me mad lately, especially when it’s time to run that high interval on the treadmill and Celine Dion comes on…adios adrenaline rush. So, I have been perusing iTunes lately to try and update my library, particularly my workout playlist, and I think I have found some pretty good little numbers to keep me moving: We are Young by Fun., Katy Perry’s Part of Me, Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger, and pretty much the entire Coldplay Mylo Xyloto album What about you? Do you have any good songs for me to add?
Have a great rest of the week everyone!!
In anwswer to your “Thread Tunes” the song that pumps me up is Travis Barker’s rendition of “Low,” by Flo Rida… I do way more crunches when it comes on or I pick up the speed while running.